I wanted to share with you what I like to refer to as, “The most important class I ever attended”, Empower Thyself Initiation.   As a spiritual guide in the Lineage of King Salomon and the Modern Mystery School, I am honored to teach this class. 

When I was first presented with the idea of attending this class, I denied it 2 times before finally committing to it!  People typically don’t make it to this class until they are fully ready.  Being ready means having to overcome massive resistance.  There is always a justifiable excuse to stop our own progression in this world.  It takes courage and bravery to rise to a higher state and claim more light for your own life!!!  

I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I signed up for Empower Thyself, but it truly changed my life…

Here’s why…  

Most self-development classes give you a few tools, ideas, and motivation that last for a day, maybe a week, and at best a month.  I had tried so many self-development classes, motivational workshops, and coaching programs, and still knew there was more.  

This class is VERY different.  All the tools I received in this class I continue to utilize every day since I attended back in 2017.  These tools
 continually help me move through lessons and find more joy than I could have ever imagined!  

It’s called Empower Thyself because this class is a service to YOURSELF!  In this class, you will receive 3000-year-old ancient rituals from the lineage of King Salomon.

 This class will help you:


and ultimately remember your divinity!   While sitting through these teachings most people experience a feeling of,

“I’ve always known this to be true!”

Personally, I was always looking for deeper spiritual teachings and up to the point of Empower Thyself, everything just fell flat…Or the people teaching, leading, and dabbling in “spiritual things”  seemed very ungrounded and not focused on living in this world. They seemed more set on escaping reality instead of creating a new one!

This class helps you bring your best light to this physical world to make a difference HERE, with your unique gifts, and live out your unique purpose! 

In addition to ancient teachings and rituals, you will receive an adept initiation which ultimately helps change the flow of your baseline energy from negative to positive.  This initiation helps you struggle less with the mundane details of life and focus on the bigger picture!

*******There is one prerequisite, Life Activation!*****

This class requires you to believe nothing and encourages you to have an experience with everything you are handed down. 

Want to be empowered and become a scientist of your own life? 

Then you should definitely do it. 

Don’t like the fruits you are currently receiving? 

Then you should do this class, your future self will thank you, mine does every day.  

If you are interested in this class schedule an exploratory call or simply reply to this email!

Go HERE For more information about Empower Thyself Initiation