Mini Me Yoga
Adult with Child Toddler Yoga
Bring practical strategies and fun into you and your child's daily life while building connection, confidence, self esteem and improving physical and emotional wellbeing!
This class is designed especially for children ages 2-5. A single registration reserves the spot for a parent and one child (mats provided).

45 Minutes Kids Yoga
We invite kids (recommended Gr 3-6) for a 45 minute yoga lesson including positive affirmations, mindfulness, meditation, yoga and more! This is a great way for students to unwind after the school day. Register for 1 session or as many as you'd like! Bundle & Save for all sessions in a series!
30 Minute Kids Yoga
We invite kids (recommended Gr K-2) for a 30 minute yoga lesson including positive affirmations, mindfulness, meditation, yoga and more! This is a great way for students to unwind after the school day. Register for 1 session or as many as you'd like! Bundle & Save for all sessions in a series!

Kids Meditation
Great for children in upper elementary and middle school, join us for a kids meditation session where we will wrap up the end of the week with mindfulness activities and guided meditation!
Adult Mini Training: Chair Yoga
Most children sit in a chair for the better part of the school day, and then as adults, we carry this on in office settings. Sitting in a chair for long periods of time is not great for our posture, however chair yoga poses can help us improve this.
In this Mini Me Yoga mini training, we will focus on various chair yoga poses to use at home and in the classroom with the children in your life.

Adult Mini Training: Positive Mindset
In this Mini Me Yoga mini training, we are focusing on how to increase positive thinking and how children create the life they want with these thoughts. It has long been our view that if we integrate these techniques as children, we do not have to relearn or unlearn as adults, and we can eradicate the shocking statistics that show 1 in 3 children have mental health challenges.
Adult Mini Training: The Power of Breath
Breathing practices are used by doctors and therapists worldwide. Studies show that breathing techniques can help reduce stress hormone levels in the brain, alleviate anxiety and depression, and lower blood pressure. Stanford researchers have found that breathing practices help to reduce PTSD in veterans
Mastering the use of the breath is the most fundamental tool for healthy living. Breathing is a direct path for us to communicate quickly to the brain, by what we do with our body.
We invite adults living and/or working with children to join us for this 1 hour training to learn simple yet effective breathing techniques to use with the children in your life.

Adult Mini Training: Desk Yoga
Most children sit at a desk for the best part of the school day, and then as adults, we carry this on in office settings. Sitting at a desk for long periods of time is not great for our posture, however desk yoga poses can help us improve this.
We invite adults living and/or working with children to join us for this 1 hour training to learn desk yoga poses to use with the children in your life.
Adult Mini Training: Moving Meditation
Using physical movements combined with meditative techniques helps to focus, calm and centre the mind whilst adopting moments of much needed self care. We invite adults living and/or working with children to join us for this 1 hour training to learn moving meditation techniques to use with the children in your life.

Adult Full Training: Foundations
During our 2 hour training, learn the 15 minute Mini Me Yoga program which includes kids yoga, mindfulness, positive thinking techniques and more! Teach stand-alone yoga sessions or embed into the daily routine to support physical and emotional wellbeing! Training consists of both practical and theoretical elements to support the whole child.
Adult Full Training: Explorer
*Prerequisite: Foundations Training* The goal of this workshop is to empower graduates of the Foundations workshop to expand on the 15 minute program and create yoga classes that range from 15-45 minutes for children of all ages, using props and music.

Adult Full Training: Meditation and Mindfulness for Kids
Meditation and mindfulness are tools to help children slow down and become aware of their own thoughts. This increases their awareness and will help them expand their ability to master their own emotions. This makes it easier to stay balanced and focused throughout the day. Meditation brings calmness and peace. Join us as we explore three methods of meditation, which can be used independently, two together, or all three together.
Adult Full Training: Tweens Yoga and Wellbeing
The goal of this workshop is to empower participants to bring 15 minutes of fun yoga, and positive thinking exercises and games into the daily lives of pre-teens and teens. Join us as we explore three methods of meditation, which can be used independently, two together, or all three together.