The Road to Spiritual Growth: A Guide to the Modern Mystery School’s Path of Progression
About the Modern Mystery School The Modern Mystery School is a global spiritual organization that offers teachings, healing sessions, and meditations to support individuals on their path of personal and spiritual growth. At the Center at Keystone, we provide these resources to help guide you on your journey. Where to begin? The path of progression […]
Sacred Geometry 1
Sacred Geometry I – Activating Sacred Space This class includes deeper teachings on Sacred Geometry, why it matters, and where its power lies! You will learn the purpose of sacred geometry, why it is valuable, and most importantly how to use it to promote better health, wealth, healing, and protection for yourself, your family, and your […]
Sacred Geometry 2 – Crystal Practitioner Training
Deepen your connection to the Healing Power of CRYSTALS with Sacred Geometry. The most powerful one day class offered by the Modern Mystery School to become a Healer in your own right. Use for self-healing or to start your own spiritual awakening practice. This is the second step to Sacred Geometry in the hermetic tradition. […]